Home » Neko » 【7つ子生後5日】子猫を隠す母猫+ 激おこ子猫のシャーシャー威嚇ww+子猫にミルク #猫 #猫威嚇 #子猫

【7つ子生後5日】子猫を隠す母猫+ 激おこ子猫のシャーシャー威嚇ww+子猫にミルク #猫 #猫威嚇 #子猫



❄️エルサ – ラグドール♀美猫💞性格はツンデレ✨
🐻‍❄️ベンジャミン – エルサの旦那様♂(🐺シナモンと🐻モカの息子)
🎁Amazon の『ペット物語猫達の欲しい物リスト』😻💓

#ラグドール #子猫 #kittens #Ragdoll #猫の引越し #猫の引っ越し
#赤ちゃん猫 #エルサ #子猫の成長記録 #kitten

Elsa and her seven kittens The next morning. Good morning babies! The kittens are five days old today. Gian No. 1 has started to intimidate lol The kitten thinks I’m an enemy because of my smell and is threatening me. The kitten scared me 😱 The kittens are starting to look more like cats now that their fur has grown. The kittens’ eyes and ears aren’t open yet, but they may be even cuter once their eyes open. Lunchtime Hey Tiny and babies, it’s lunchtime! Are you guys awake yet? I thought maybe the kittens had moved again haha. I wonder if mama Elsa hid the kittens? Gian No. 1 began her threatening hissing. Elsa is asking you to joining our membership and like and subscribe the channel Owner’s routine/milk lunch time for the septuplets. The ideal temperature for kitten milk is 100°F. It’s no good if it’s too hot or too cold. The kittens are 5 days old, so I feed them with a 3ml syringe. This is Tiny, the last and smallest kitten born. I wonder if he’ll drink well today too? Tiny hates it Tiny starts drinking milk while complaining. 😂 Tiny drank all of his milk today too. His milk mustache is adorable. Let’s wipe it off with tissue. His belly is full and he is happy camper now. His stomach looks flat. Poor thing… He is hungry and no energy 😰 It’s milk. Drink it and get energized. The kitten refused the second serving of milk. Do kittens dislike the smell and feel of rubber nipples? But when they taste milk, they drink it right away. Good job baby! This syringe was actually used when I got my 11-day-old brown tabby boss cat Leo, so it’s two years old and has become hard to press. I’m going to buy some new syringes from Amazon. It’s milk time my dear! This kitten is drinking well. Show everyone your pretty face. This kitten is Gian No. 1 and is quite large, but I would like to feed her milk. The kitten is full and happy Gian No. 2 is the second largest of the kittens. She drinks milk deliciously. The kitten is full and she is happy. Thanks for watching! Please like and subscribe!

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@barachan39 2024-06-26 - 12:37 PM



@Sarutanohiko353 2024-06-26 - 1:18 PM

7つ子の可愛い赤ちゃん猫は みんな同じ毛の色で見分けがつかないですよ🤔 主様は「第一子」とか言われているので7匹の順番を覚えているのですね🌟すごい!👏👏👏
どの🐱ニャンコもシリンジに吸いついているお口が可愛い😍 これからもっと可愛くなりますよ💕楽しみです🤗

@billyb5057 2024-06-26 - 3:39 PM

must be very cool to watch the kittens grow
🌞have a cool week🔆👍like☑full view✅🥸Au🦘

@manueldiaz6977 2024-06-28 - 1:42 AM

7 orugas gigantes ciegas indefensas,maulladoras por comida. Pronto abriran los ojos.🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈❤❤❤❤❤🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🍼🍼🍼🍼🍼🍼🍼😁😁😁👍🏻👍🏻🌿🌿🇪🇨🌿🌿🤚Saludos desde Ecuador.

@PetStory8888 2024-06-29 - 6:52 AM


@coralinepolar1754 2024-07-03 - 10:49 PM

0:43 🤣🤭 chiquillo agresivo adorable 🩷😽🔥🩷💖♥️

@coralinegarcia4823 2024-07-03 - 10:55 PM

En el video 📸 en anterior de la segunda mudanza de Elsa ❄️, no pude usar los stickers ⤵️

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